My boyfriend is stopping me from seeing a male friend
It doesn’t seem to matter how much I stress to my boyfriend that it is platonic PROBLEM: I celebrated the first anniversary […]
It doesn’t seem to matter how much I stress to my boyfriend that it is platonic PROBLEM: I celebrated the first anniversary […]
PROBLEM: My daughter is an inveterate liar and is getting worse. She has a lovely husband and wonderful children, two of whom […]
I want to meet the right person but I am so afraid of telling anyone I get intimate with about my lack […]
One day he tells me he can’t wait to see me, another that I’m a boring person PROBLEM: I have been in a […]
He has dropped out of education and has lost his confidence, and I’m running out of energy PROBLEM: I have a 19-year-old son […]
I wonder whether he could ever commit rape and that is a scary thought to have about someone you call a friend […]
I have thought about leaving her, but I know she would be unable to cope PROBLEM: My wife and I are in […]
I ran into my mother in a Dublin night club and saw her flirting with men. I didn’t think it was appropriate […]
There have been times I’ve been crying into my dinner and he just hides behind the newspaper PROBLEM: The problem is that we […]
I’m terrified of uprooting our children and moving to the country PROBLEM: I’m on my second marriage. I really like him, we are […]
My sister has drawn a rota for looking after our sick parents. On top of that, I’m struggling with the work culture […]
It’s getting me down and I am thinking about it a lot. I am becoming needy and clingy, which I never was […]
We got to know each other, and he kissed me. But then he said he doesn’t want to be tied down PROBLEM: I’m […]
The atmosphere in our home is horrible and my wife constantly gives out to me PROBLEM: I started to see a different side […]
I don’t have the finances to move and I’m terrified of the impact it will have on our children PROBLEM: I have been […]
My wife is not interested in a physical relationship and I don’t want a sexless life PROBLEM: I’ve been deluding myself that it […]
I’m beginning to accept that I’ll just always be alone and I have contemplated hurting myself and ending my life PROBLEM: I’m a […]
My wife is beginning to treat me in the same way. She has become dismissive of me. PROBLEM: My wife’s mother is driving […]
Chores, childcare and financial management of any household have to be negotiated consistently over a lifetime together PROBLEM: I feel exhausted all the […]
I am sexually attracted to and date women who are fascinated by me, but it goes nowhere because they are just getting […]